Magic Color Finder

Android Mobile app built in Unity that lets you filter colors through grayscale on your phone.

I used Unity to apply a Post Process filter through an the phone camera, to apply a HueVsSaturation filter using a given hue. This project branched off of an AR tutorial, so I’m using an AR camera even though it doesn’t really need to be. Admittedly there are more optimized ways to do it, but when I discovered the power of AR Post Process I really wanted to push the idea to see what was possible. It was primarily an experimental rabbit hole I kept digging deeper into.

Tap and Hold to select a color in the palette from a radial menu. Each color has a specific hue and allowable range for the post process, and it updates the camera.

I added some subtle polish including tap haptic feedback, tutorial text, menu pop-in animations, Scriptable Object color range adjustments and more.

Get the android package here (.apk) - only works on Android:

Download Link


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